Artist, Author, Illustrator
Artist, Author, Illustrator
Thank you for visiting! I hope you enjoy looking around. I'd love to hear from you if you take a moment to drop me a line. I'm always happy to discuss my work and any questions you may have about it.
Some of my earliest memories are of sitting cheerfully drawing at my mother’s kitchen table, with a pile of paper and an array of crayons and pencils.
Other than when I was engaged in artistic endeavours, I was never happier than when I was outdoors, going wherever it led me. Sitting on grass, watching a beetle, picking up pebbles, up a tr
Some of my earliest memories are of sitting cheerfully drawing at my mother’s kitchen table, with a pile of paper and an array of crayons and pencils.
Other than when I was engaged in artistic endeavours, I was never happier than when I was outdoors, going wherever it led me. Sitting on grass, watching a beetle, picking up pebbles, up a tree... Wherever.
It was only natural that I would combine these things.
I loved to lie on my back and watch the sky change or stand out in the rain, just to feel it falling on me. I walked barefooted, at any opportunity.
Birds were fluffy, singing friends, butterflies were small miracles of colour come to life. A cat or dog was a source of wonder. They followed me about! A donkey in a field was a shaggy, long-eared delight.
Since then I have been on many journeys.
I started to sell paintings and complete them to commission, at around the age of fifteen, when still at school. I intended to continue full time, but somehow I followed another path and sometimes one path leads to another. Sometimes, though, they lead you back.
Along the way I have done an array of jobs, some which were just passing things and others to which I have been dedicated. I painted and wrote when I could. But always the sky and open air kept calling. In an office, I felt like I couldn't breathe and had stayed too long among things that weren't real.
But the sky is real. The wild is real.
At the end of 2021, I was to be reminded of what was real when into my life bounced a small, friendly spaniel puppy who I named Monty
He climbed into my coat pocket and claimed my keys - and my heart. Standing outside with him on a frosty moonlit night, as the year closed, I knew it was time for change.
Monty and I have travelled far since then.
I am continuing to learn with him and to seek the way ahead. Art reminds me to perceive what is real and reject illusion. Creativity makes my heart sing and with my paintings and writing I seek ways for the wild world to have a voice in our lives. Monty is my muse and guide
I offer Azimuth Art, for your enjoyment and inspiration on your own journeys. The website is new. It is a starting point to which I will be adding fresh content about pictures, books and of course Monty.
Thank you for visiting.
I'm excited to introduce my new greetings cards. Please scroll down through the gallery to view designs and details.
To order please email me on
5% discount on 4 or more.
10% discount on 6 or more.
I have been drawing since I was old enough to hold a crayon in my hands and hardly ever stopped! I first began working to commission when I was still at school and now focus upon creating images that show the beauty and fragility of nature.
I work in many different media, including gouache, pastel, acrylic, oil, pencils and photography. I also produce bespoke engraving on wood and leather. I prefer to use whatever best expresses the subject matter and not be restricted by one method.
I enjoy the outdoors and my work is inspired and influenced by the natural world; landscapes, creatures and the spirit of wild places. A special source of inspiration is my dog Monty! I also love to create pet portraits of all types of animals, furry, feathered, scaly or otherwise on a commissioned basis.
In all our journeys, books can be an amazing source of ideas and development. For me, writing is interwoven with painting. It is another form of art in which I paint with words. Combining both and illustrating my own books was a natural progression of my work. The first of these was 'Conversations With My Dog'. I am excited to have two new children's book titles in print too. The little owl above is the main character from 'The Owl and The Cactus' which is available at along with my other titles.
My books aim to encourage readers to support and nurture their inner traveller to develop their curiosity about the world and love of learning. Whether we are young or old, wherever we are from, we are all able to discover the world anew when we turn the pages of a book. My own book journey began as a very small child, when learning to read opened the doorways of my imagination and suddenly it felt like to open a book was to have a magic key to a whole universe of wonder. I hope I can convey some of that joy to you, for you to open fresh beginnings to your own worlds of ideas.
In navigation, 'Azimuth' is the term given for a line, drawn through a spherical body such as the sun, where it intersects with the horizon. Our lives involve taking many and varied journeys. For countless years we have found our way by the sun. moon and stars. Sometimes the way ahead is clear to us. At other times it is obscure and we have to search. Our mental road-map can vanish and the route can be difficult. Our ability to navigate through these pathways of shifting change is key to our success and personal happiness.
Art that inspires us goes beyond being mere decorative imagery to hang on our walls. It is a wellspring of creativity from which we grow ideas. It can lift us from the constraints of habitual indifference and self-imposed mental limitation. Art moves us and in turn in initiates our ability to move others and create positive change. Whenever we make room in our lives for art that makes us stronger or when we gift it to others it is a step in the direction of better self-knowledge and health.
Long ago, our ancestors lived more closely in tune with the wild. They had to in order to survive, but in the name of their survival they learned that respect for the natural world they lived in was essential to individuals and communities. They knew that observing and understanding the world that sustains us, without conflict, teaches us to thrive.
Our recent lifestyles have developed around the advantages of the technological age. But in our rush of excitement to achieve and prosper we have created an environment in which we sometimes become disconnected from the real world. There is an original and authentic world beyond screens and apps that used to both surround and fill us. It is the wild world that we all came from, which still endures in us and shapes us because it is what our brains evolved to attune our responses to over millennia. Without it we starve inwardly. With it we are enriched and we generate enrichment for others.
Art is not quiet. It is not silent pictures hung on walls. It is the voice of what moves us to speak with more than words. Through my life, my constant inspiration has been the awesome depth of beauty and meaning that the wild world provides. I paint not to forge static illustrations, but rather to bring the urgent freshness of a windy morning, the mystery of forest depths or the majesty of the sea to anyone who is moved by them and to urge respect and understanding for our world.
The wild world has a song and we are a line in it, but there are many lines. Together the full song completes us, for we are all one spirit, not isolated beings. If you have found yourself reaching, even a little for the sense of harmony that a fresh wind, the taste of rain or the music of the ocean can bring , then I offer you my art for your own inspiration. I hope it brings you joy on your journey.
Subject Matter
An expressive portrait of your much loved pet can be produced at your request. I love animals and will happily take on commissions of any subject, whether your friend is furry or not! Dogs, cats, horses, goats, donkeys, reptiles, fish, parrots, all welcome! If you love it, I will paint it for you. Drop me a contact form to discuss.
Media and Price Guide
Pencil (black and white) - £120 - £200
Coloured Pencil - £150 - £200
Pastel £200 - £325
Pen and Wash - £50 - £120
Gouache £300 - £400 average
I can work in other media such as oil. I don't usually do this for pet portraits but if you have a real wish for an oil painting of your best friend then I can do this if requested.
When commissioned I give a quote, which is firm and will not change. No surprise additions!
I require a 50% deposit to begin. Rates can be reduced in a variety of discretionary circumstances upon request. Just ask!
Portraits are usually supplied mounted but not framed.
Other Details
Prices are for one pet per picture, plus background. Sometimes clients want more than one to show all their pets together - in which case please note that prices will increase as time spent will be proportionate to the number of subjects. Paintings with two or three pets will not necessarily be fully doubled or trebled in price though because some time can be saved and I will discount for multiple orders.
The most common question I am asked, is "My pet has passed away. Can you still make a portrait?" To which the answer is "Yes. Certainly, if you have photographs." They don't have to be portrait quality images as I don't copy, I create. As long as you have enough to show their colouring and character. Additionally the more you can tell me about them the better!
Special Requests
If you want to commission a portrait for a gift to mark a special occasion then I am happy to work to your time frames. Just give me as much notice as possible so that I can prioritise my work.
If you would like the portrait with a background showing a location of significance then please let me know. You just need to supply photos or a description of somewhere I can research. Similarly if you want favourite pet toys or other items included, this can be readily done.
Pastel and Mixed Media
ISBN printed book: 987-1-83952-586-5 (RRP £14.99)
ISBN e-book: 978-1-83952-587-2 (RRP £7.99)
This is a tale for those who love to seek new adventures and the promise of following their dreams, or nose, into the unknown.
In the depths of winter, in the wide, ancient Fenlands a woman made a wish for freedom: to find escape from a stifling lifestyle she felt she’d outgrown. Under the open sky, she spoke her wish to the wild. To her surprise it heard her and answered. When change stirs our hearts, inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. Hers came in the form of a puppy named Monty, whose deep natural wisdom renewed her own sense of wonder.
But even changes we wish for are not always easy. Faced with a house move that fell apart and the looming uncertainty of potential homelessness, she found herself on the road, searching for a new place to live, with Monty as a travelling companion. On their travels, his steadfast heart and vibrant sense of fun transformed challenges and difficulties into moments of discovery, renewal and humour.
Through the days and nights that followed, many conversations unfolded between the two. Conversations with My Dog is a light-hearted, gently thought-provoking account of those discussions.
Available from:
Also, on Amazon and via major bookstores
"Creativity is intelligence having fun." (Albert Einstein)
Have you ever thought that you wished you could paint or draw? Well you can!
As children, we all draw happily if given some pencils and paper. The belief that we can't draw usually begins when we first notice that the representations we are creating don't match what we see - and i
"Creativity is intelligence having fun." (Albert Einstein)
Have you ever thought that you wished you could paint or draw? Well you can!
As children, we all draw happily if given some pencils and paper. The belief that we can't draw usually begins when we first notice that the representations we are creating don't match what we see - and if there is no-one on hand to show us what to do then we become discouraged. So we stop.
But our instinct to create is still there. It provides us with much more than just an ability to make pictures. Creativity is inseparable from our ability to solve challenges. When we allow ourselves to think creatively in artistic spheres it benefits every part of our lives because we become more effective thinkers.
My tutorial sessions can be singly or block booked. My approach is one relaxed fun and learning. Complete beginners are very welcome. Even if you can't remember when you last held a paintbrush I can teach easy, fun techniques to get you started and overcome mental obstacles. You will be pleasantly surprised at yourself!
Price - Tutorial sessions are priced at £15 per hour. Discounts available for block bookings and concessions. Daytime, evening or weekend options.
Workshops - a half day creative blast to blow away mental cobwebs and stimulate fresh thinking. Featuring painting, drawing and writing or tailor made to your particular interests.
These are either online or by arrangement at a venue. One to one price is £100 online. The rate per person is reduced for groups. Creativity in the workplace workshops can be provided in person to bring fun and stimulating thinking to your team. By arrangement. Prices vary according to numbers and location.
I offer a small selection of additional products which I am steadily developing.
Greetings Cards
Featuring natural imagery. Printed and hand-drawn formats can be provided.
Bespoke sets for special occasions such as weddings can be made upon request. Please contact me to discuss.
Notebook Journals
A5 size , plain inside with inspirational art on covers. Pieces are individual or very limited edition. Bespoke items can be made to order. Please request my email newsletter to stay updated on designs.
Selected images can be found on my picfair site at
Some of the images on this site and others not yet shown can be provided in print form. Additional designs to follow.
Please ask for details. On-going updates of available items will be provided by my email newsletter. Please subscribe to receive news.
If there as a specific product that you would be interested to see available with elements of my artwork on it, do let me know. I'd love to hear your ideas!
Wherever people come to the edge of land, where it meets the sea, it prompts us to wonder what is beyond and can we reach it?
The UK has amazing coastline, which has seen many travellers come, go and dream. Over the next twelve months I will be exploring new locations around the coast and producing new work about it. A key theme of my coming work will be 'Journeys and Travellers." I am planning new road trips with Monty in search of new material.
The spirit of Azimuth Art is rooted in exploration and learning. Whatever the journey holds, my work will be aiming to portray and honour the wild world in the hope that it may inspire and promote care for it.
My book, 'Conversations with my Dog is continuing to prove popular. I now also have two more titles for children. 'The Owl and the Cactus and 'The Fuzzy Faced Flim Flum'. These are all available from www.browndogbooks. as well as Amazon and major bookstores.
"I have seen and met many people that describe themselves as artists over the years. None of them come close to the amazing standards presented by Hannah Gold. Her work is amazing, down to the tiniest detail. I have no hesitation in recommending Hannah as my top artist of choice to anyone."
(L Guichard)
Have you always wanted to paint or draw but thought you couldn't? Do you ever find yourself saying "I wish I could draw that?" Have you convinced yourself that you are 'bad' at art and would love to go to classes but don't want to draw with other people there?
I can help!
I love teaching complete beginners and explaining basic methods and techniques that will help you to not only get started but grow in confidence. I offer online tutorials that you can book either singly or in block bookings. If you send me a message I'd be happy to discuss your particular aims and arrange a bespoke tuition tailored to you.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Q - Can you produce animal portraits from photographs?
A - Yes, definitely! But I never just slavishly copy a photograph because my artwork is genuine. So it's best if I can be given a selection of images that I can work from. They don't all have to be great quality photos, just sufficient to show the colouring, stature and character of the subject..
Q - Will I get photos back if I send you hard-copy?
A - Yes, certainly.
Q - How long does it take on average to create a portrait?
A - A pencil drawing usually takes approximately twenty to twenty five hours. A gouache painting (extremely detailed) can take as much as twice that. A pastel, somewhere in between. Oil paints take longer because the drying times for the paint are extended.
Q - Can you produce portraits to a timeline for a special occasion?
A - Yes. Please bear in mind the above time guidelines and that I may have other work to complete so do try to give me as much notice as you can if you require something for a specific date. You will also need to consider the delivery time for me to send it to you.
Q - Do you supply work framed?
A - No. This is because I concentrate on the pictures and I find that whatever frame I provided it is better if people choose their own. I do supply pencil drawings and any paintings that are on paper either in a mount (to prevent rubbing and smudging the image in transit) or a tube (according to the type of picture). I am happy to provide advice on the kind of frames that are required to safely protect pictures in each medium that I use.
Q - What do you charge for animal portraits?
A - Please see the prices section of the Pet Portraits page on this site for pricing details.
Q - Can you do illustrations?
A - Yes. If you have writing projects that you would like me to illustrate I am very happy to consider these. I'd be excited to discuss your work and aims.
Q - How big are your pictures, approximately?
A -
Q - How long have you been producing pet portraits for?
A - I received my first commission when I was fifteen years old (quite a while ago, now!) and carried on to complete others, often by recommendation. I am excited to now have my website and be able to promote my work online.
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